Friday, June 29, 2012


Today, I, and other Carina Press authors were challenged by fellow Carina Press author David Bridger to show a pic of ourselves at work in our office, or in our favorite place to work.  Sounded like fun, and of course, an excuse not to write.  I write here in my office, at Starbucks and in a comfy chair in my mom's room.  Lately, a friend who went back to school has been coming over to do her homework so we end up in the livingroom.  Have laptop/netbook, will travel!

We converted our family room into office space.  With no children at home, our living room serves as a very lived in room and my mother has a studio set up in the master bedroom which just leaves 2 very small bedrooms.  One for us and the other a cozy TV room/craft room (my stash of yarn!).  The family room works nice and if there isn't stuff piled in front of it, there is a fireplace for cool winter days or nights.  I used a roll top desk and hutches to form a wall blocking the kitchen and bookcases to make a "hallway".  The other entrance is partially blocked by a hutch which if I suck it in, is my entrance/exit.  Hubby uses the kitchen "hall entrance".

I love my office.  Before my mother came to live with us, I had the masterbedroom as my office as I also ran a home business.  This room serves us very nicely.  The walls and ceiling are 4 shades of blue which I love.  I surround myself with my books, and all my "pretties" and always have music of some sort playing and candles as well. A high up window has cystals and dream catchers and Native American is sort of the theme in my office along with my collection of cat statues and photos of my family. At the moment, it's also shared by more than few webs and dust bunnies....
I usually end up sharing it with my animals who have to be with me. Out of 5 cats, there are usually 3-4 somewhere in the room. I have to reserve space on all flat surfaces and even one drawer for cat beds or else there are some unhappy felines.  Sometimes a cat bed and a fleece on my main writing desk!  Below is Snowy.  In his defense, he is a huge cat.  Nearly 3 feet in length stretched out, not including tail.  He is about 2-3 lbs too heavy.  And he is going to get a lion cut as he's getting too old to groom his fur and he and I fight like cats and dogs when I decide the mats have to go.

My pups sleep on bedding under the desk at my feet. Especially at night as I am a night writer.  Snowy claims the round bed if he wants.  At 2.5 times the weight of the pups, he wins....  Moments ago, the pup on the yellow blanket was curled up in the bed.

And this blog on my writing space would not be complete without a picture of my office-mate and husband.  Yes, he has just a corner of this room that used to be ALL mine.  One of these days we'll get him a  nice desk instead of a table.  He gave up the small bedroom office so we could have a cozy TV room.  What a guy!

Friday, December 16, 2011


This entry is part of a blog hop and is a bit late going up but I have a good excuse:  my mother was in the hospital and I remained with her for the 2 days.  Since coming home, I'm doing breathing treatments every 4 hours round the clock.  So I figure that's a pretty darn good excuse.

When faced with what to write, I was undecided.   All I could really think about was that I was very grateful that my mother is with me for yet another Christmas.  You see, 9 years ago, she was given 6 months.  Stage 4 lung cancer.  She has beaten the cancer.  One of only 2% to pass the 5 year mark.  But a Thankful or Grateful post is more of a Thanksgiving blog.  So I decided on Christmas Wishes.
When this season rolls around, we are asked:   "What do you want for Christmas?"  And like everyone else, I sure have a list of wants and needs.  But when it comes right down to it, I have what I want.  I have my family.  I have my mother for another Christmas.

At the heart of Christmas, buried beneath the commercialism and brightly wrapped packages and the anticipation of tearing into those lovely wrappings, is Family.  Who do we share that morning with, the day with but Family. 

We gather to celebrate the day and what it means to each family.  We eat, visit, laugh, gather around beautiful trees with music in the background and share traditions and of course, those lovely gifts.  But the greatest gift we share and receive this day is the love of Family.

I remember the first Christmas my mother was with me.  I  brought her to my home end of January, knew how close I'd come to losing her Christmas the month before when she was not with me.  That year, it was day by day.  Each day a blessing, each doctor visit a sigh of relief but when that first Christmas came, it was joyous.  I still had my mother with us.  And each year is a stolen year for she was not supposed to have survived 6 months, let alone nearly 9 years.   

And every year that passes I am grateful to have that one so important part of Christmas to share:  Family.  My husband, my children, and my mother.   So when asked what I want for Christmas, I have a list for my kids and my children but in my heart, I have what I want.  Another year with each of them and another stolen year with my mother.

So what is Christmas to you.  Who are you most grateful to share this holiday with? 

Also, don't forget to follow the blog hop to many more wonderful sites, each with gift-givaways as well. 
All who leave a comment will be entered into a contest to win a Frilly scarf made by me like the one to the right.   Color will be different as this one isn't knitted up as of yet.  There will also be a free E-pub copy of White Dawn. 

Now that you've read my blog, go blog hopping and visit these other great sites and enter to win more great prizes.

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